Reimagining “Prison Ministry”
The current view of prison ministry.
- Going into prison and ministering.
- Assisting newly released citizens into society (reentry)
These are noble pursuits and definitely needed.
Reasons why we do it
- Show God’s love and introduce people to Jesus, the Bible and offering another way of living.
- Prevent or reduce the cycle of recidivism (re-offending).
I believe it is time to re-examine prison ministry and broaden it to include the families. Studies have shown family reunification can aid in decreasing the chance of reoffending.
We need to realize that the offender’s behavior and reasons as to why they are incarcerated, did not develop in a vacuum and neither will they return to one. Meaning they will return to their friends and families. Studies have shown that many come from families and communities that are marginalized.
Because reunification with family can play an important role in a successful reintegration to the community the definition of prison ministry should include the family.